Alternate International Competitions — Gold Medals Aren’t Everything
What’s a gold medal, a healthier population, combatting starvation, or providing housing security to fellow humans compared to custom-made Astronaut wings, I ask ya?
What’s a gold medal, a healthier population, combatting starvation, or providing housing security to fellow humans compared to custom-made Astronaut wings, I ask ya?
…pushing the publish button isn’t the harbinger of personal nuclear destruction I once feared.
You cannot reclaim time lost, but you can prevent losing anymore.
The negotiating you do with yourself determines your results.
When you write, or sing, or paint, or dance, or act, or play your instrument, I am moved by what you create–exclusively. If you move me so much I internalize what you created, it’s mine now. You made it part of me; the greatest success an artist can achieve.
While I believe the good opinion of some people is not worth having, I do think it’s worthwhile to have someone in your life who will push you to be your best, even if they’ve seen you at your worst. I’m aiming to be that kind of writer. Even though I don’t know you, I’m of a mind that there is far too much unrealized good in most people.
One of the most satisfying aspects of writing and posting something daily is…you guessed it…writing and posting something daily. Writing
The Covid-19 pandemic has been both a global morality play and a world-wide laboratory for observation of social behaviors. For