Alternate International Competitions — Gold Medals Aren’t Everything
What’s a gold medal, a healthier population, combatting starvation, or providing housing security to fellow humans compared to custom-made Astronaut wings, I ask ya?
What’s a gold medal, a healthier population, combatting starvation, or providing housing security to fellow humans compared to custom-made Astronaut wings, I ask ya?
entirely. They are more like another ubiquitous modern seasoning.
I celebrate America, the idea, more than America, the present reality. The present reality is the crucible in which to forge the idea, but the Idea, set forth on this day 245 years ago, is the America I love and pledge allegiance to on this 4th of July 2021.
Well known, well-funded minsters are alienating half the national demographic by their politically or financially motivated endorsements. In so doing, they are breaking the laws of God and man. Jesus’ message concerns a different Kingdom entirely. For these reasons, I say professional ministry killed Jesus in his day, and hasn’t stopped.
Sadly, the most basic assumptions we once shared about reality itself, and our agreed upon notions of it, are no longer a “given”. Even empirical, mathematical facts are not able to withstand politicized assaults in highly-charged racially or socially coded language, specifically intended to divide us into alternate worlds, with alternate facts, and alternate versions of ”reality”.
we were served up an ironic speech by a party puppet, one who talked about suffering racial indignities, but who nonetheless refused to label that treatment the true, but politically unsavory term, ”racism”.
So, I’ve had Covid for a week now. I caught it from my girlfriend. We believe we know where she
People who are all one thing may exist. I cannot prove they don’t. I am not one of them. Those
With Seven Practice Questions As I work my way through the excellent essay, Two Concepts of Liberty, by Isaiah Berlin,